black and brown leather padded tub sofa

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Volunteer Opportunities

Current Volunteer Opportunities in the Village of Alexandria are listed below.

Don't see anything that matches your skills? Fill out the form on the right side of this page to be added to the Volunteer Database for future opportunities!​

green and blue light illustration
green and blue light illustration
Add Your Info to the Volunteer Database
  • Park Board Member - three openings are available to fill vacancies on the Park Board. Candidates must be residents of Alexandria and at least 18 years old.

    The Park Board meets monthly and is responsible for the management and control of Parker Community Park, as well as planning for future uses and improvements. The Park Board directs the construction, maintenance and repair of the ball fields, shelter houses, grounds, trees, and playground equipment in Parker's Park. Members serve without compensation.

    Interested parties should email Mayor Sean Barnes at